Using fast, debuggable loops


SetBarsRequired(-2, -2);
MaPeriod = Param("Period", 10, 5, 50, 5);
// calling the plug-in method
MyMa = LoopSampleCS(MaPeriod);    // see BasicSampleCS5() method in "Basic Samples.cs" for source
// plot the calculated average
Plot(MyMa, "MyMa", colorBlack, styleLine);
Title = _SECTION_NAME() +", Number of bars:" + NumToStr(BarCount, 1.0);


[ABMethod(Name = "LoopSampleCS")]
public ATArray BasicSampleCS5(float period)
     int maPeriod = (int)period;
     // allocate memory for result array
     ATArray myMa = new ATArray();
     // set null values at the beginning of the array
     for (int i = 0; i < maPeriod - 1 && i < myMa.Length; i++)
         myMa[i] = ATFloat.Null;
     // calculate the average for each bar
     for (int i = maPeriod - 1; i < myMa.Length; i++)
         // clear temporary result
         float tempSum = 0.0f;
         // inner loop to sum bar data
         for (int j = 0; j < maPeriod; j++)
              tempSum = tempSum + Close[i - j];
         // save calculated value to result array element
         myMa[i] = tempSum / maPeriod;
    // returning result to AFL  script
    return myMa;