Adding symbols to AmiBroker database

Adding symbols to AmiBroker database

  1. Start AmiBroker.

  2. Open a database (Click File - Open Database... menu) that uses Interactive Brokers .NET Data Source. (See Configuration.)

  3. Wait until the data plugin connects to IB client (TWS or Gateway). (Check IB client's properties and Configuration if not connected in a few seconds.)

  4. Rigth click on the data plugin's status area.

  5. This will show the plugin context menu. (Some menu items may be disabled depending the plugins status.)

  6. Click Find IB Contract menu.

The Search for IB contract window appears. In the search window:

  1. Enter the local symbol (MSFT in this case) to the Symbol field and hit the Enter key or click Search button.

  2. The result grid of the found contracts will be populated from Interactive Brokers contract database in a few seconds. (If searching for options it may take longer time.)

  3. The result grid of found contract is sorted by Local Symbol column by default.

Sorting and viewing the result grid:

  1. Click on Primary Exchange column to change the sorting of the list.

  2. Scroll down to MSFT stock contract traded on NASDAQ in USD routed to SMART.

  3. Select the contracts you need in the result grid. You can select more symbols by holding down the CTRL key while clicking on contracts.

Adding the slected contract to AmiBroker's database:

  • Click the Add button to add or update the selected symbol(s) in AmiBroker database.

  • Click Close button.

  • Check symbol's properties by selecting the newly added symbol(s) and viewing the Symbol Information tab (View - Symbol Information menu in AmiBroker). Full Name, Alias (local symbol in TWS), Currency, Web ID (Contract ID in contract database), TickSize and Point Value is set according to contract database.

NOTE: More contract information is available at runtime using the GetExtraData AFL method. Read more...